Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Mission Statement

Hello America.
As indicated in previous posts, I have recently become aware that, despite what economists may claim, the most important factors affecting the United States economy is primarily based upon the clothes I wear. This is an awesome responsibility, and one that I don't take lightly. At the time of this writing, my deliberate efforts have increased the Dow Jones by 460 points. It's good news for our country that I have finally figured out what makes the stock market tick, as I will now hopefully be able to control it-- to some extent. This should eventually reverse the recent losses, and other ones we have seen in the past. Looking back, my mother’s sudden decision to switch diaper brands in October of 1987 (when I was a tender babe of four months) led to the country’s most significant single day drop in both stocks and bonds, and since then, untold billions have been lost and won upon the caprices of fashion.I don’t want to dwell on the impact I had, unconsciously throughout the years. I turn, instead, to the future.

I am creating this blog in the name of transparency, so that the American people can have some visibility to the forces that shape their economy.

I am not an economist. I am a student, about to graduate from university with degrees in English Literature, Marketing, and Advertising. I work as an unpaid intern, and as such do not have much in the way of spare money to invest in stocks. I have no more stake in the rise and fall of stocks, than does the average American, nor do I have sufficient free time to asses the world markets for the broader implications of my sartorial selections. It may well be that my decision to wear a pair of aviator sunglasses causes Asian soybean futures to skyrocket. I do not have the time or expertise to follow all this. Instead, I will cross reference my outfits with the Dow Jones—at least at first—so that I can find the correct attire to help our country’s economy move forward.

Thank you, and God Bless.

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